Hearing Aid Help

Resources for Hearing Aid Care and Maintenance

Audiologist holding the hearing aid, preparing to change the filter.

How to change your filter/wax guard:

Changing the filter in your hearing aid is crucial to maintain sound clarity and prevent issues caused by wax and debris buildup. Regular replacement of the filter will extend the lifespan of your hearing device and make sure it performs best, giving you a quality hearing experience.

holding the hearing aid, preparing to change the dome

How to change your ear tip/dome:

Replacing the dome on your hearing aid will help maintain comfort and sound. Old and worn-out domes can cause sound leakage which reduce the effectiveness of your hearing device. Regular replacement will make sure you have a proper fit and optimal acoustic seal, giving you the best possible hearing experience.

How to recharge your hearing device:

Discover the ease of charging and recharging your hearing aid with the helpful videos below. Each video guidance on how to properly charge your device so you get the most out of your hearing aids. Whether you’re new to hearing devices or you need a quick refresher, these videos should help you keep your hearing aids ready and fully functional.

How to insert your hearing aids:

Below are video guides to help you learn how to correctly insert your hearing aids. These videos offer clear, easy-to-follow guidance to make sure your hearing aids fit comfortably and securely. These videos will help you gain confidence as you handle your hearing devices each day.

How to change batteries in your hearing aids:

Master the process of changing your hearing aid batteries with our instructional video below. The video will show you the quickest and safest method to replace batteries to make sure your hearing device operates at it’s peak performance.


Behind-the-ear (BTE)

In-the-ear (ITE)

How to connect hearing aids to your smartphone:

Connecting your hearing aids to your smartphone can make your life simpler and more convenient. Control volume and settings with a tap. Stream calls and music straight to your ears. Locate lost hearing aids with GPS.


→ Download the app: Apple | Google

Pair TruHearing devices with an iPhone or iPad

Use HandsFree for iOS

Pair TruHearing devices with an Android


Pair Oticon devices to a smartphone
(Click “Wireless Connectivity” in the left sidebar then scroll down to videos.)


Pair Phonak devices to a smartphone